
Showing posts from August, 2012

I Don't Have a Magic Wand - But I Do Have the 4 F's

I'm so thrilled that today's guest blogger agreed to impart her organisational wisdom here today! (Yes, that's an "s" in organisation). Helen Butler, of Australian-based Clutter Rescue, has been one of my favorite people to follow on Twitter (Follow her @ClutterRescue ), with her practical and easy tips on how to get your home, office and life in order. Enjoy! When you’re juggling children, work, friends, partner, and life in general things can get busy!   Finding time to keep your office paperwork under control can often be the last thing on your mind! But what if there was something that promises to reduce the time in your office, to get done what you need and still have time for all the fun things in life? No I don’t have a magic wand - but I do have the 4 F’s! The 4 F’s will help you decide what to do with each piece of paper that comes into your home or office.   The key to complete success when using the 4 F’s is to: 1.       All...

My Working Reality - Guest blog by Joseph P.

I've known this week's guest blogger for more than 15 years when we met on a college exchange program in France. He was our own private comedian and an artist in his own right, even then. It is no surprise that he has pursued and perfected an art and made it his own business. Working at home as your own boss can have even greater pressures than working at home and having a remote boss. As I told him, Joe 's depiction of his work-at-home experience is worthy of a publication such as The New Yorker. I won the lottery in guest bloggers! Enjoy!  Entrpreneurial Home Officer/SINK Years ago, I used to dream of working for myself at home. And I imagined that if I ever had the opportunity, my schedule would be like this: 6:00AM Cartoon bluebirds, singing softly, fly in the bedroom window, pick up edges of duvet with their tiny little beaks and gently pull it back. Stretch dreamily. Sigh and open eyes. Pat dog on head. 6:15AM Enjoy freshly-brewed Turkish coffee and...

What Works For Me - Guest blog by Tami B.

I'm so thrilled to have Tami B. as this Wednesday's guest blogger. We've known each other since elementary school, and it's so fun to be able to learn from this side of her life - the professional home officer side.  She was smart, witty and organized then, and she's even more so now! Enjoy!  Wife, Mother, Home Officer From the time my son was born and my daughter was 16-months-old until they were 3 and 4, I worked part-time from home with them at home with me. That was one of the most challenging – and exhausting – things I ever tried to do. I often think of that time as the “Dark Years,” as I finished up a great many work “days” in a dark house at 2am. When the opportunity came up for me to start working full time, I knew it was time to get the kiddos in preschool. Leaving them each day was hard, but I was also a little giddy at the thought of getting to work in a quiet house. During the day! I was working on two separate projects,...