How to Keep Calm When You're About to Lose Your Mind as a Mom
How do you calm yourself when you feel that your kids have pushed you to the edge? We've definitely all been there, and some ages and seasons of life are more challenging than others. It's a question I've been getting a lot lately from moms of kids of all ages, so I did a little #Momsourcing to see what we could learn from each other. Here's what I heard from our wonderful community of Home Officers. 1. Step Away - This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, but t he important thing is giving yourself a moment and allowing the adrenaline to subside so that you're able to respond in a more thoughtful and appropriate way. Reacting is easier than responding, but it's also what leads to our biggest moments of regret. Here's what has worked for some of you: - Hand them off to your significant other while you take a walk, or send the kids to their room for a few minutes while stepping outside into the yard or patio. (from Yvette E.) - Give yourself a time out...